Stevie Toole
Stevie Toole, a Youth Transition Coordinator at the disAbility Resource Center in Wilmington, NC, works two and a half days a week connecting people living with disabilities to resources and coordinating outreach programs at local schools.
Stevie, who was born with cerebral palsy, says that she made a pact when she found her calling in life. "I said, 'OK, God, you let me live and now I've found what I'm meant to do.'"
Despite the love for her job, she works a limited number of days, so she can still qualify for the disability assistance that she relies on from the government. However, even having a part-time job has allowed Stevie to gain independence.
When she separated from her husband, she wasn't sure how she was going to live on her own. However, her position at the resource center not only provides financial freedom, but also a community on which she can rely.

Stevie sits outside of Oasis, a school for students with autism, where she visits every other week to do a project as the Youth Transitions Coordinator at the disAbility Resource Center.

Stevie and her colleague, Ben, collaborate in her office on a PowerPoint presentation that will be used to talk about disability rights at schools throughout Wilmington and the surrounding counties.

Stevie speaks with students at Oasis about a project where they will draw their "future history."

Stevie talks to students at Oasis about what accomplishments they would like to be remembered for as part of their project where they will draw their "future history."

Stevie pays for her drink after meeting her coworker, Ben, to continue working on a PowerPoint presentation that will be used to talk about disability rights at schools throughout Wilmington and the surrounding counties.

Stevie works with pottery instructor Robin Harkey on a clay coil pot. She says that working with clay helps to strengthen the muscles in her hands - but, sometimes it can be a challenge to "get them to cooperate," as she says.