Robyn Dorton
Despite growing up and experiencing the typical challenges associated with learning and intellectual disabilities, today Robyn Dorton is a bright and shining star, who provides a positive impact on youth living with disabilities.
is a part-time self-advocate trainer with the Carolina Institute for
Developmental Disabilities (CIDD) where she has worked for almost 19
She teaches self-advocacy,
self-determination, leadership and guardianship training to students in
high school occupational courses. Robyn takes great pride in her role
and shares that sometimes it is she that is taught by the students.
a process where they are asked write down three favorite things, she is
amazed by what students share. It is one of her most favorite steps as
it allows her to connect the dots and make connections with her
Robyn takes immense pride in being employed and is currently saving for an annual trip home to West Virginia.

Robyn Dorton is a part-time self-advocate trainer with the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD) where she has worked for almost 19 years. She teaches self-advocacy, self-determination, leadership and guardianship training to students in 12th grade occupational courses.

Because she is part time, Robyn reviews her plans for the upcoming month. She must be mindful of her total hours worked and sustaining a well-organized schedule is crucial to her success.

Robyn and her manager, Deb Zuver, discuss the day's agenda that consists of a Post-secondary Education Alliance quarterly meeting and Robyn guest speaking at an adult function later that day.

Working allows Robyn to live independently. With the assistance of a payee representative, Robyn is mindful of her spending and sticks to budgets and goals. She presently has two savings accounts -- one to ensure she can buy gifts for the holidays and the other for her annual trip home to West Virginia.