With the flash cards that Jessica has created, she works one on one with a student who needs extra practice to prepare for an upcoming test.

With the flash cards that Jessica has created, she works one-on-one with a student who needs extra practice to prepare for an upcoming test. She holds up a card with the word equality and discusses how equality relates to the theme of empowerment.

Jessica reads a second book to the children, who are captivated by her story time that they sit quietly and absorb every word.

Jessica reads a second book to the children, who are captivated by her story time that they sit quietly and absorb every word.

One of Jessica’s favorite tasks is reading to children. She enjoys every moment of story time and supporting young students.

One of Jessica’s favorite tasks is reading to children. Since Jessica has been interning at the school, she has become a role model and a leader to the students.

Jessica scatters flash cards on the desk as she prepares them to assist students with their weekly spelling words. This week’s theme, words of empowerment.

Scattered flash cards on the desk are signs of prep work for Jessica. She prepares them to assist students with their weekly spelling words. The week’s theme: words of empowerment.

Since Jessica assists students in preparing for their spelling tests, she works with a student on one specific flash card related to empowerment: hope.

Jessica assists students in preparing for their spelling tests. Here, she works with a student on one specific flash card related to empowerment: hope.

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