Dominique Faison
As Dominique Faison folds up
purchases at the Second Fling consignment shop in Goldsboro, NC,
customers wander past and notice that she is always smiling.
trying several other jobs at big box stores, Dominique, who lives with
an intellectual disability, turned to her Vocational Rehabilitation
counselor to find a better fit.
At Second Fling, she started out as a dressing room attendant, but the other employees encouraged her to become a cashier.
like it so much better up here at the cash register," Dominique says.
"I never thought I'd say those words. It has really helped me to get
over my shyness."
Dominique credits her coworkers
for why she’s extremely successful at her job. "They were very
supportive and didn't mind me asking lots of questions," she explains.
Since finding the perfect work environment, Dominique has become an important member of the store’s team and is approaching her one-year anniversary there.

Now a cashier, Dominique rings up purchases and interacts with customers on a daily basis. By working at the register, it has helped her get over her shyness.

Dominique hangs up belts to get them ready for sale.

After working at other big box stores, Dominique now works at Second Fling, a smaller consignment shop. She likes working at a smaller store, “you get to know each other better,” she says.

Always working with a smile, Dominique (left) wraps up glasses with her coworker Wendy Schwind.