Kristine Hughes
Upon receiving an associate degree
in applied science from the Office Administration program at Wake
Technical Community College, Kristine Hughes struggled initially to find
her dream job.
She felt she was too slow to take
on an administrative role for organizations that required fast
administrative skills and felt that positions she applied to did not
allow her to utilize many of her skills and training as an Office
Kristine, who lives with Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome (FASD), shared that, "Working for Special Olympics
North Carolina has always been my dream job.” When asked to volunteer as
an administrative assistant once a week, she excitedly accepted the
Eventually, her volunteerism became
part-time employment and today she remains an administrative assistant
and is also the athlete leadership manager.
Working with Special Olympics NC has made her feel useful in a society that she feels sometimes makes it hard for individuals with disabilities. She said, "I’ve become more independent and responsible, both financially and in everyday life, thanks to this job.”

Having a great passion for the Special Olympics NC, Kristine has participated as an athlete, volunteer and now as a part time employee for the organization.

As a Special Olympics athlete, coach and leader within the organization, Kristine was featured in a interview by Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts in a 2015 special before the World Games. In this image, she proudly shares a clip of the story.

Kristine provides tours to individuals visiting the Special Olympics NC Headquarters. She shares stories about a signed print by athletes who participated in the 1991 International Special Olympics in Minneapolis.

Kristine shared that her biggest accomplishment next to her position of Athlete Leadership Manager for the Special Olympics NC was serving her country. Kristine served on the Navy ship, USS Yellowstone until she was discharged due to back and knee injuries. During her tenure in the Navy, she worked on the work-bed in charge of lagger pipes and generators.

Members from all over the State of North Carolina make up the Athlete Council. As Athlete Leadership Manager, Kristine heads up important council meetings. In this image members of the council are discussing ideas for an upcoming event.

As the leader of a council meeting planning a Special Olympics North Carolina event, Kristine takes notes on her laptop as a council member speaks about the various roles and responsibilities within the council.