Joshua Brinkley
Joshua Brinkley says that "music is what got me into radio" from the time that he was very young.
at age 21, Joshua has an paid internship through Cape Fear Vocational
Services (CFVS) with WHQR in Wilmington working eight hours a week. On
Tuesdays, he works with a job coach at CFVS to set up interviews; and on
Thursdays, he works and records at the radio station.
his internship this semester, Joshua, who has cerebral palsy, is doing a
series of interviews to raise awareness about the special needs
registry for New Hanover 911.
During times of
natural disaster or other emergencies, the registry alerts authorities
to the location of individuals who may need extra assistance or may not
be able to leave their homes on their own.
Joshua also does his own audio editing for his pieces and hopes to work in media and communications in the future.

Joshua, an intern at the local radio station, hopes to work in either the media or communications fields after his internship is over.

Joshua reads over emails as he sets up interviews for his internship at WHQR.

Working with his job coach, Amber Taggert, Joshua works on answering emails as he gets acclimated to working in a professional environment.

Joshua’s interview on Communique, a daily feature exploring arts, events, and ideas in the Cape Fear region, for his first internship at WHQR is available on the radio station’s website.

Since Joshua sometimes has trouble seeing small type, he and his job coach, Amber Taggert, draft an email first before sending it out.

Joshua practices his dictation software by reading a hard copy of the email that he drafted with his job coach, Amber Taggert, for his internship at WHQR.